ViziLite® TBlue Annual Oral Cancer Screening System
ViziLite® TBlue Annual Oral Cancer Screening System helps oral healthcare professionals identify, evaluate, monitor and mark abnormal oral cell lesions suspicious for pathology. This includes precancerous and cancerous cells that may be difficult to see during regular visual exams. A clinical study1 has shown that the use of ViziLite TBlue after a conventional visual examination resulted in no false negative outcomes, proving that ViziLite TBlue identified every lesion that had precancerous or cancerous cells. The same study further proved that ViziLite TBlue also significantly reduced the number of false positive lesions identified during standard visual examinations thus limiting the number of biopsies that may have normally been performed.
Vizilite TBlue Annual Oral Cancer Screening System offers:
- a quick and easy-to-use system that incorporates seamlessly into your standard visual examination with a simple 2-minutes procedure
- a small device that enables easier access to see and focus light inside the oral cavity
- disposable technology that eliminates cross-contamination and improves infection control
- patented and clinically-proven technology that has helped healthcare professionals for more than a decade
- (10) Individual Kits
- (1) Mirror Attachment
- (1) TBlue Marking System